Mary Sheedy Kurcinka Ed.D and Lynn Jessen MA

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Category: Establishing Clear Limits


Learn To Be An Emotion Coach

Your child dumps his cereal bowl on the floor.  The four year old knocks down the two year old.  You tell your child he can’t buy something and now he’s screaming at the top of his lungs in the middle of the store.

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When you offer a choice and your child disagrees

When you offer a choice and your child disagrees

You have offered your child a choice but he didn’t respond or doesn’t want either option you have presented.  Believe it or not, this is an opportunity to teach your child that he is responsible for what happens to him.  

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Help!  My four-year-old son starts screaming the minute something doesn’t go his way. There is no “wind-up” he just lets loose and within seconds he’s screaming and flailing, trying to kick and hit me.  

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Raising Your Spirited BabyRaising Your Spirited Child - Parent's Choice Award WinnerMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Raising Your Spirited Child WorkbookMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Kids, Parents and Power StrugglesMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Sleepless in America