Sleep Brochure
Parents of a successful student have a secret...they protect their child's sleep. Download this free brochure for information and a sample schedule.
We'd like to thank Janie M. Morales, School Counselor at Steele Montessori Academy in San Antonio Texas, for her translation assistance.

Visual Timer
Recommended by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka:
Use the Time Timer to:
- Help anticipate transitions
- Share toys or equipment
- Measure “time out”
- Monitor rest time
- Time standardized tests
- Monitor math and writing speed tests
- Measure study and lunch periods
- Regulate computer time
- Show time left to play, get ready, or clean up
Time Timer is dedicated to making the concept of elapsed time easier to understand. Wherever time needs to be measured, the Time Timer offers a unique solution. These timers can be purchased at any one of Mary's speaking engagements. If you would like to order the Time Timer, but do not have plans to attend one of Mary's talks, you can order one directly from.