Ready for Kindergarten and for Life: Helping Parents Make a Critical Decision

What does it mean to be ready for life? Does it mean ready for kindergarten? Most State guidelines recommend that any child, who is five-years-old by the first day of September, is ready to enter kindergarten but is this true for all children? What if the child knows his alphabet, but doesn't really "fit" with his peers? If a child is very hesitant to try new things or join group activities, should she go? What if she prefers to play and shows little interest in cognitive skills? What if other individuals in this child's family are notoriously "late bloomers"? Does it matter?

The decision to "start" kindergarten is often a complex one that, in addition to a child's chronological age, needs to consider many other factors. Cognitive and physical skills are important, but social and emotional development and the child's temperament may be even more significant.

Join Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, Ed.D to explore:

  • The latest research on kindergarten and "life" readiness
  • Key factors to consider when determining a child's readiness
  • Why social and emotional development is critical for success
  • What pre-cursor skills indicate readiness for academic success
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